Friday, August 6, 2010


You already now that i am an entrepreneur and working with more than 150 student around india in my organazation,so acording to me .....
Wouldn't it be great if everything we needed to know to be successful was written down somewhere for us?
Well, it is. Virtually everything we need to learn to help ensure our success has already been written and is available in books.
You have probably heard the phrase, "readers are leaders," quite often. The reason is because it's true.

Readers are leaders because they understand that knowledge is the key to success and reading books is a great source of that knowledge. Leaders read books because they know this is one of the best ways to learn things they don't know and to reinforce the things that they do know.
In fact, the only way a book can't help you is if you don't open it. Opening a book is like opening a window on a world of knowledge. And the pursuit of that knowledge should be never-ending so that your personal and professional growth never stops. In today's fast-paced world, the need to disseminate information and determine what is important is critical. That's why access to good books that cover appropriate subjects and that are written in a fast-paced, easy-to-read format are critical so your organization can access the benefits
People don't read one book and become motivated for life
Take something as important as motivation, for example. It's not a one-time event. People don't read one book and become motivated for life. Most successful people believe that reading and practicing motivation, like sleeping and eating, needs to be an everyday event. That's why leaders of organizations throughout the world make sure to get powerful books into the hands of their associates on a consistent basis.
This creates the ultimate win-win situation. As the leader of the organization you can choose the books you want distributed. It also allows all your associates to read the same book at the same time, which facilitates group discussion. And having access to books on a variety of topics - you can win,the magic of thinking big, goal setting, time management, sales training, spirituality, network-marketing ideas, building referrals, motivation and others - provides diverse information to your organization.
In short, a books can help make your organization stronger from the inside out by empowering your associates to be all they can be.

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